AMF3.2 is a full Automatic Mains Failure unit intended to be used for Gen-Set applications where high number of i/o ports are required. The controller can be used with single or three phase mains and generator systems.
The unit is designed with high process power for versatile and accurate control of all Gen-Set functions. It controls 3 phase mains and single phase generator voltage and also monitors generator load current.
User can program any of the auxiliary i/o ports for custom applications. The menu offers extensive control for each i/o and all the parameters can be configured via PC, using the ENKO PRO-Link configuration program. All the parameters can also be configured from the front panel controls. SMS messages can be sent, using optional GSM interface module.
Many of the control variables can be displayed as required. The analog sensor characteristics can be adjusted from the menu to fit any kind of sensor. There are altogether 17 i/o ports available, among which many can be configured by the user.
Load power is also measured and can be used with dedicated functions in the menu. Decisions can be made depending on active and/or reactive power of the load. Total accumulated power is also measured and recorded.
AMF3.2 control module is optimized for enhanced applications, where customer demands are high and allows minimal solutions for all genset applications with high reliability.
Magnetic pick-up input is available for reliable and accurate measurement and control of engine speed.
- PC Interface for monitoring and system programming, SCADA control
- Modbus RTU communication port for optional GSM modem communication
- 20 alarm indicators right on the front panel
- Measurement of KW, KVA, KVAr, KWh and Power Factor
- Magnetic Pick-up input for RPM measurement
- Automatic and Test operation modes
- Full digital calibration of all analog measuring inputs
- 17 I/O ports which 13 of them can be user configured for custom applications
- Engine running hours and maintenance timers
- Alarm log for the last 15 and event log for the last 30 events
- 3 phase Mains voltage and single phase Generator voltage and current measurement
- Remote start and stop interface
- Automatic or Manual transfer of the Load between the Mains and the Generator
- Easily receive information regarding the status of the Generator and view/edit parameters by sending and receiving SMS messages over a mobile phone
- Option to configure paramters using the front panel or via ENKO Pro-Link SCADA software
- Dedicated functions for specific applications like Telecom
- Internal relay outputs eliminate the need for external relay use
- The time and date stamped alarm and event logs allow easier and faster troubleshooting and maintenance
- Remote start/stop interface allows the user to command the Generator from distance